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li xi investigated and inspected the work of coordinating epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development in zhaoqing
publication time:2020.08.19 14:06:10
original title: implementing the divisional, graded and differentiated prevention & control strategy, insisting on the annual economic and social development goals
on march 2, li xi, secretary of guangdong provincial committee of the cpc, arrived in zhaoqing and visited the countryside, enterprises and project sites there, he also carried out investigation and inspection over the implementation of a series of important remarks and instructions given by secretary general xi jinping regarding the coordination of epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, and also over the implementation of coordinated works of epidemic prevention & control with economic & social development in guangdong province.

yincun village, located at hills and upland belt in lecheng town, gaoyao district, zhaoqing, is a place mainly for the planting of pitaya, cinnamon and finger citron and other characteristic products. it was then the season for spring plowing, local peasants were busy with ploughing and seeding. li xi walked into the fields and communicated with villagers, agricultural technicians, party members and cadres to acquire detailed knowledge of the spring ploughing and farming preparation situation. he emphasized that, while earnestly implementing the rural epidemic prevention measures, we should also make our utmost efforts in organizing spring ploughing and production, strengthen the production service and technical guidance rendered for mass peasants, so as to ensure that the agricultural season is not interrupted, the agriculture is stabilized, and that the countryside is taking concrete steps continuously towards revitalization.

in guangdong hongtu technology (holdings) co., ltd., guangzhou xiaopeng automobile technology co., ltd. and other manufacturing enterprises, li xi visited production workshops and laboratories. he, after listening to the briefing of the person in charge, gave credit for the strict and orderly prevention & control measures taken and work resumption arrangements made by the enterprises, and he required that relevant departments and enterprises should strictly carry out epidemic prevent and control measures, implement the central deployment in a practical, careful and earnest way specific to every person, every place and every link, so as to insure that no impediment shall arise. he also expected that enterprises would proceed with confidence, positively cope with the test of pandemic, concentrate its efforts in making key technological breakthroughs, try various devices to hold the order, and facilitate the normal production and operation as soon as possible. the party committee and the government should earnestly improve the accuracy and convenience of service, take multi-faceted and coordinated measures and help enterprises pull through and achieve high-quality development.

zhaoqing hospital, also the third affiliated hospital, sun yat-sen university, located in zhaoqing new area, is a large scale hospital constructed as per the grade iii class a standard, and is expected to be completed in this may. li xi arrived at the project site, to investigate the pandemic control work and construction arrangement, construction schedule and return of workers, etc. he stressed that we should increase our efforts in building public health facilities and strengthen points of weakness in respect of medical and healthcare services. we should, on the premise of the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures and safe production, work out construction plan in a scientific way and ensure the scheduled completion of the project for putting into use.

li xi also visited zhaoqing jinsheng huihuang non-woven fabrics co., ltd., investigating and understood the production of facial masks and its raw materials, and highly appreciating that the enterprise responded to the call and secured the production and supply by virtue of extra shifts with all its strength he also expected that the enterprise would further speed up and increase its production, supply prevention and control materials with both quality and quantity guaranteed, and make greater contributions to winning the epidemic prevention and control battle.

during the survey, li xi hosted a mini seminar, giving credit for the epidemic prevention & control as well as economic and social development work in zhaoqing. he stressed that, we should deepen the implementation of important remarks and instructions given by secretary general xi jinping, bring the tension of epidemic prevention & control up without negligence, pay close attention to all works related to economic and social development, and guarantee to accomplish the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in a high-quality way by the scheduled time. first, the divisional, graded and differentiated prevention & control strategy should be implemented conscientiously, prevention & control measures should be carried out in a scientific and precise way according to specific situation of every community, every unit and every enterprise, assembly occupancies and key control places should be watched closely to strengthen key group protection and prevent the occurrence of outbreak in clusters. second, the party committees at all levels, the government and enterprises should assume primary responsibilities for the work resumption in a concrete and detailed way, adhere to the combination of service, support and supervision, support enterprises by "one policy for one enterprise", enhance the effectiveness and pertinence in assisting enterprises and stabilizing posts, and promote the work resumption precisely and steadily. third, great efforts should be made in spring agricultural production, agri-product circulation and supply should be well organized, agricultural machinery operation should be vigorously promoted to spread technological knowledge to farmers, policies benefiting and assisting farmers should be implemented to fully motivate the farmers and stabilize the bedrock of agriculture. last, we should coordinate and promote the economic and social development throughout the year, seize the opportunity "two zones" and "two-city linkage", facilitate the in-depth implementation of the "1 1 9" work deployment, make every effort to accomplish the "six stabilities" work, give play to the engine role of zhaoqing hi-tech zone and zhaoqing new area, accelerate the building of industrial clusters for new energy vehicle and advanced equipment manufacturing, and give impetus to the stable and healthy development of the economy and the community.

provincial leader zheng yanxiong also participated in the investigation and inspection.
guangdong icp provides zhaoqing public security bureau network police detachment record number:4412833000509